
Red Dead Redemption 2 How to Use Cover


Using cover in Red Dead Redemption 2 is going to be essential to staying alive in a shootout.  There are many shooting sections in the game where you’ll be fighting against waves of enemies who have all got you in their sights.  Utilizing the cover feature will give you a better chance of staying alive and it can be used on all types of things.

To use cover you will use the RB/R1 button to hide behind a nearby wall, structure, or object. You can then use the Right Stick to look around while in cover and use the Left Stick to break out of cover. To move around while remaining in cover you can use the X/Square button to transition to the other side of cover or the next available cover.

Using cover is vital to surviving some of the harder and longer gun battles in the game. Just remember that you need to press RB just once to enter into cover and then you can use the sticks to look around or move.

Shooting from cover functions similarly to how it does when you are not in cover. You can also still use your Dead Eye ability while behind cover or use the cover to get some extra time to consume a tonic or food item while being pinned down by gunfire.


Fernande Dalal

Update: 2022-09-03